Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting InterstitialLungDisease.info

This Terms of Use Agreement (this “Agreement”) is between Dr. Stefan Cristian Stanel (the “Author”) and “you,” the user of this Content.

The “Content” definition: This blog/website (InterstitialLungDisease.info) and associated materials (including but not limited to materials published or shared on social media platforms), including any text, video, photographic, audio, linked, embedded or any other materials are defined as the “Content”.

Please read the following Disclaimers and Terms of Use statements carefully, as they govern the use of this website and associated Content.

By accessing this Content, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by the provisions below. You are entering into this agreement voluntarily, and not as a result of fraud, duress or undue influence exercised upon you by any party. You also confirm that you have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to all the statements below, please exit this website and do not access, browse or use the Content.

Disclaimer concerning medical advice

The Content is presented for informational purposes only. The Content may not be used or relied upon for any other purpose.

The Content is not intended to be and must not be interpreted as medical advice.

If you or any person who accesses the Content have any health concerns, they should seek appropriate care and advice from a licensed healthcare professional as soon as possible in the area where they are located in the world and according to local policies. Seeking medical advice must not be delayed because of something that was presented as part of the Content related to this website.

The Content is provided “as is” and may be considered confusing or disturbing by certain individuals. If you or any person requires further clarification regarding any aspect of the Content, they should seek advice from a licensed healthcare professional.

If you are a healthcare professional and you provide health services to patients or health advice to the general public, by accessing the Content, you agree to use your own professional judgement regarding your delivery of care and medical advice to your patients and other parties and you remain fully responsible regarding the provision of such services. The Content is for informational purposes only.

The Content reflects the author’s general medical knowledge and may not apply to individual cases or circumstances. By accessing the Content you agree that it cannot form the basis for medical practice undertaken by you or any other healthcare provider and that the author is not liable for how you or other individuals use the Content.

The author is not responsible if any part of the Content is misconstrued or used by other parties to provide medical/health advice.

Information disclaimer

The views presented in the Content are not related to those of any institution the author may be affiliated with, including healthcare, clinical, hospital, academic, private or any other institutions or organizations. Any opinions expressed by the author do not constitute an endorsement by any institution or organization.

The Content may not be current, complete or timely. As with other publications, over time it can become obsolete or out of date and the author does not guarantee that the Content will be updated on a regular basis.

The Content is subject to change, deletion or update without prior notice, at the discretion of the author.

Intellectual property

You acknowledge that the Content is subject to copyright and accordingly you agree to use it for informational or reference purposes only. You may not copy, reproduce, misconstrue or commercially exploit the Content in all or any part.

While the author encourages sharing of original parts of the Content on social or other platforms, you must follow standard practices to ensure that web links to the specific part of the Content which was shared are preserved and that the Content is not misconstrued in any way.

If you wish to reference parts of the Content in any publication or your own work, this must be done in such a way as to clearly acknowledge the original source and include web links to the specific part of the Content which is being referenced.


Some parts of the Content may be open for public comments. The comments will be moderated, meaning that they will be reviewed before being published and any decision regarding their publication is at the sole discretion of the author.

Comments which are respectful, on-topic and constructive will generally be accepted. The author will not accept comments which include, but not limited to, “spam”, abuse of any kind, off-topic or dangerous links, conspiracy theories or any other kind of medical misinformation. This will be at the discretion of the author.

The author reserves the right to delete any comment, at any time.

Third party links and references

The Content may feature links to third party websites or references to other resources to help you access other materials which the author feels, at the time of publication, may be relevant to specific topics within the Content. The provision of these third party links and references does not constitute an endorsement, warranty or recommendation by the author.

The author does not guarantee that the links or references will remain accessible to you, up-to-date and/or relevant to your interests. The author also cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by third parties.

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The Content may present third party advertisements to other websites, services or products. The author is not responsible for the images, message or any materials included in the Advertising Content supplied by third party advertisements. Third party Advertising Content does not constitute a recommendation, guarantee, warranty or endorsement by the author of any product, service or claim made by the third party advertiser.

Certain links on the website may constitute affiliate links for which the author may receive a financial commission.

Disclaimer of all warranties

The Con­tent is pro­vided on an “as is” and “as avail­able” basis with­out war­ranties of any kind, either express or implied. Under no cir­cum­stances, as a result of your use of the Content, will the author be liable to you or to any other per­son for any direct, indi­rect, inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial, spe­cial, exem­plary or other dam­ages under any legal the­ory, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, tort, con­tract, strict lia­bil­ity or oth­er­wise, even if advised of the pos­si­bil­ity of such damages.


You agree to indemnify and hold the Author harmless from any claim or demand, including attorneys’ fees, made by any third party as a result of (1) any content posted or made available by you on this Site, (2) any violation of law that occurs by you through the Site, and/or (3) anything you do using the Site and/or the Information contained therein.

Age restriction

The Content is intended for individuals who are eighteen (18) years or older and should not be accessed, browsed or used by persons under the age of eighteen (18).

Modifications to the Terms of Use

The author may revise these Terms of Use and Disclaimers from time to time to better reflect new regulatory requirements or changes to the Content. The modified terms of use and disclaimers will then become binding when published on the website (InterstitialLungDisease.info).

If you have any questions regarding this agreement, you may contact us.